I love my boys. I love how drastically different they are from girls. We love action movies and superheroes these days. We have several thousand matchbox cars. (Okay, I exaggerate, but it seems like that many.) Every pair of pants Jackson owns has the left knee blown out from sliding around, driving the cars. They’ve started “pretending” a lot more, mostly a cops-and-robbers type scenario. Derik likes to “fight,” a.k.a. pretend wrestling and MMA. They are boys, through and through, and I love it.

These are all things my boys would love!

1// Big Words Flash Cards ($14) – They love learning new words. This is a fun set of flashcards, for big words. I’ve never believed in talking down to kids…you’d be surprised at what they can learn!

2// Old Navy Cargo Shorts ($22.94) – Lots. Of. Pockets.

3// Superhero Mask ($4) – I think if my boys had these, they’d never take them off!

4// Chalkboard iPhone ($18) – A low-tech way for kids to have their own “phone”…what a cool way to encourage creativity and imagination!

5// Refuse to Sink Sweatshirt ($24) – I have a hard time convincing them that it’s too hot for sweatshirts…they love wearing them. Luckily, it gets chilly most nights here, even in the summer.

6// Q&A For Kids ($16.95) – I would love to have this to record all the hilarious things they say, and get them thinking! 

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Jack and Derik's Nana :-) said...

Love those flashcards! And I do believe the boys have thousands of Matchbox cars.... I could barely lift the bin of them!

Bring those sweatshirts... It gets chilly down at the beach at night!

Love, Mom :-)