I’ve had lots of exciting things happen this week, and it’s only Wednesday! I finally have my official website up and running…sort of anyway! It’s just a single homepage for now, but it’s and I can’t wait to get the rest of it the way I want! I’ll have more information about my design and custom work and I’ll be getting my photography page up with shoot information. And there’s a few people that made it possible; my mom for helping me out with the hosting aspect and getting the domain up and running, and to Mary Beth and her husband Steven, who not only helped me with the Dreamweaver issue I was having, Steven sent me bits of code that would make it work correctly!

In making my website, I was finally able to combine my Facebook pages into ONE PAGE! I’ll keep the other pages up until I can get everything transferred over, but I’d appreciate it if you would like the new page, if you’d like to stay informed on my design and photography!

AND, my sister-in-law Julie got her children’s clothing shop, Kaylynn's Closet, up and running! I helped her with the logo design! Her clothing is beautiful and really well made; Kaylynn wore lots of it the last time she was out here and looked adorable, as always. If you have a little girl, or know someone that does, check out her Etsy shop and Facebook page! I hear she might have little boys’ clothing eventually too!

I wanted to share some design inspiration with y’all today!

A huge amount of my design inspiration comes from Pinterest (seriously, doesn’t everything amazing come from Pinterest these days?!) and you can follow my design board here!

I like this book cover! (Not a recommendation for a book since I've never read it, I just like the cover!) And if you love great design, explore that site...great design plus book covers, what could be better? 

I love this Etsy shop! Specifically, this print is my favorite and I'm saving up for it! She has a coupon code "MOTHERSDAY" for 15% off through the 26th! 

What is some of y'all's favorite design? Pinterest boards? Etsy shops? I'd love to hear about them, and I'd love to get ideas on what other Inspired By posts you'd like to see! 

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